Rеvіеw Dіѕсоunt Fast Patch Poured-in-Place Surfacing Repair Kit Fix Rubber Playground - Blue
Customer reviews Fast Patch Poured-in-Place Surfacing Repair Kit Fix Rubber Playground - Blue
So you can check out the other reviews 🛒 Crаzу Dеаlѕ Fast Patch Poured-in-Place Surfacing Repair Kit Fix Rubber Playground - Blue at Amazon.com
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- Fast Patch repairs 6 sq ft of Poured-in-Place Surfacing | Fast Patch XL Repairs 12 sq ft. of surfacing at 1/2" - Fast Patch Rubber Playground Repair Kits are designed so anybody with a limited knowledge of tools can easily repair cracks, splits and holes in poured-in-place playground surfacing. Each kit contains pre-measured amounts of binder (glue) and rubber and comes with easy to follow instructions, making the repair simple and easy.
- MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS - Can be used to fix rubber playground surfaces or running tracks, as well as the construction or repair of transitions ramps, and filling in gaps between the sidewalk and playground surface.
- TOP CHOICE FOR PROFESSIONAL - Loved by parks, municipalities, schools, daycares and maintenance professionals everywhere.
- LARGE VARIETY OF COLORS - For a professional looking repair make sure you find the perfect match to your rubber surface. With our large selection, we are sure you will find the perfect match.
- 100% SATISFACTION and MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - We stand behind all of our products. If you have any issues, we will send you a brand new replacement item or refund your money no questions asked.
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