Yahboom Raspberry Pi Robot Pi 4B Kit Mecanum Wheel 3-DOF Camera Python Robotic Car for Adults AI Object Recognitn Tracking (Raspblock Without Pi)
Tесh Dеаlѕ 🔥 Yahboom Raspberry Pi Robot Pi 4B Kit Mecanum Wheel 3-DOF Camera Python Robotic Car for Adults AI Object Recognitn Tracking (Raspblock Without Pi) A quick review
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only with $ 224.99
- 【Rich Visual Gameplay】Raspblock can realize various AI operations through APP and gamepad, such as face recognition and tracking, color recognition and tracking, object recognition and tracking, gesture and QR code recognition, autonomous driving, voice broadcast, etc. ★★★The autopilot program in the Raspblock courses is only applicable to Yahboom image processing tracking map ( tracking map NOT INCLUDE). If you want Raspblock to autopilot your own route, you have to retrain the Rasblock robot.
- 【Precision Structure & Professional Accessories】Raspberry Pi electronic DIY kit with great assembly challenge is composed of more than 60 kinds of precision accessories,includ 4 encoder TT motors, 4 omni-directional wheels, 2 million HD camera, super large capacity battery, 6mm thick acrylic body, metal platform bearing shaft and so on.★ Raspblock with powerful performance can only be drived by Raspberry Pi 4B. Raspberry Pi 3B +/3B is not available.
- 【Omnidirectional movement by rocker】The programmable artificial intelligence robotic car is equipped with 4 high-quantity mecanum wheels to finish surround mode, pan mode, self-stabilizing mode and position mode in APP. It is easy to challenge various complex routes 360 ° omnidirectional movement. Air filter is installed on the chassis to effectively prevent dust from entering the motherboard area.
- 【3-DOF HD Camera】The camera can automatically adjust the vertical angle of view 180 °, horizontal angle of view 180 °, plus manual lift adjustment distance 50mm to form a 3 DOF camera platform. 2M 1080P HD camera, FPV real-time viewing angle, smooth WiFi transmission, all high configurations bring you a pleasant visual experience. Support 2G/4G/8G (new) board of Raspberry Pi 4B
- 【Powerful algorithm & professional course】The omnidirectional intelligent robot can be directly programmed and debugged through a web browser. Python is used as the programming language for in-depth development , and the OPEN SOURCE CV image processing library is used to directly debug the Raspblock omnidirectional smart car. ★Provides detailed online learning course materials and supports online technical support after sales.We recommend Raspblock to the makers who with programming experience.
Product Description
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