
Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 90% Prісе Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Review Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

So you can check out the other reviews Onе-Dау Sаlе: Uр tо 60% оƒƒ Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686) at

🔥 Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

only with $

  • Supports H. 265: The HDMI signal can be transmitted to the receiver using a direct cable connection or by connecting the transmitter and receiver to an existing network. When using an existing network, transmitting uncompressed, Full HD video can bog down the network. H. 265 real-time video compression reduces the bandwidth required for Full HD video, ensuring that it doesn't negatively impact network performance.
  • Supports Full HD: In addition to support for Full HD (1080p) video, this extender supports video resolutions up to 1900x1200@60Hz with the YCbCr 4: 4: 4 color space.
  • Web GUI controls: The built-in Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows you to control the settings of the encoder, including the resolution, codec, and bitrate of both the main and sub streams.
  • 328-foot transmission distance: Extend Full HD HDMI video to distances up to 328 fee (100 meters) over a single Cat5e/6 Ethernet cable.
  • The transmitter can be connected directly to a computer and the signal can be decoded using the free, open source VLC media player.

From the manufacturer

Product Description

The Blackbird H. 265 HDMI over IP Kit allows you to distribute an HDMI video signal to distances up to 328 feet (100m) over a single Cat5e/6 Ethernet Cable. In addition to a normal connection between the transmitter and receiver, the transmitter can be connected directly to a computer and the signal can be decoded using the free, open source VLC media player. It can also connect to multiple additional receivers by using an Ethernet switch to split the IP signal. It supports the H. 264 and H. 265 compression standards and video resolutions up to 1900x1200@60Hz with the YCbCr 4: 4: 4 color space.

Product information

Uр Tо 40% оƒƒ Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Flаѕh Dеаlѕ - 70% оƒƒ Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Nеw Dеаl Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Frее Shірріng Ovеr $50 Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Blасk Frіdау 🔥 Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Gеt Dіѕсоunt оƒƒеr Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)


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price review Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

product reviews Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Consumer Reviews Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Professional reviews from industry experts Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

Affiliate reviews Monoprice Blackbird H.265 HDMI Over IP Kit, Splitter System and Extender Up to 328ft (100m), 1080p, Full HD Video, Web GUI Controls (139686)

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